Saturday, 9 November 2013

New Website

Last month I let my website expire. As I am now a subscriber to Adobe Creative Cloud I figured why not use the web tools that they provide. Might as well, I am paying for it.
Anyway so here is a crappy temp placeholder. When I get a bit of time. I'll bang up a proper job.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Not all Stop Motion

This film will be employing both "Practical Effects" and CGI FX, this is a test I did a while back for a demolition FX. I was testing out a Maya plugin called Fracture-FX. I liked the plugin a lot, so I shall be purchasing a licence in the near future.

Update coming soon

Even though there hasn't been much activity on this blog, I have been busy. I will posts some updates very soon. Starting with my collection of figures and props. I have acquired a large number of items over the last year and feel like we are getting close to going into productions.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Audio Recording

So, if anyone out there way wondering where I have been for the last few weeks, I have been involved in a project. Not my own but a paying gig for a client. It happens from time to time. Unavoidable. It is these little projects that pop up that help fund my Stop motion film. Any way, for this video I needed to record a voice over, and seeing as I am on a budget these days, I decided not to splash out on a Recording studio. I did it DIY style, in my living room. I made some sound damping barriers, and invested in a descent mic and plug into my laptop, and Bobs your Uncle. The sound quality was better than I expected. I love technology, it is making my life  easier.

Luckily for me, there is a Shakespeare festival here in my little town. So I didn't have to look to far to find a professional voice talent.

By the way, this relates to this blog. Audio is a big part of animation, and now this little gig just paid for the right gear for me to record all my voice characters. As a self produced film, I need to avoid booking studios as it will eat up any money I have put a side really fast. Now I have a mini recording studio here in my home studio.
Down the road a bit, I'll post some behind the scenes material when I start to record the characters voices.

IAN FARTHING, recording a voice over for me in my little home studio.
Ian is the Artistic Director for the St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, in Prescott Ontario. 
Many thanks Ian, job well done. 

Bad Times for VFX