Well, aren't I shitty at this blogging thing! I almost forgot I set this Blog up. To be fair to myself I was on Facebook for a while and that took every once of my internet input energy. However, I have closed my Facebook account. So this is now my one and only outlet for talking ( boasting or Blabbing) to the internet world. I don't think anyone actually follows my post and why would they. So I intend to use this as a journal of sorts to record my progress. I have been struggling to get back into the animation world after a very debilitating illness. Okay, so not to make this into a pity party. I am emotionally cool with what has happened. I am cool in general with my life, I just need to find new and different ways to get things done. I have Psoriatic arthritis.
Which really sucks, and I mean really really sucks. Like it sucks the big one if you know what I mean. My immune system has decided for some unknown reason to attack healthy cells and tissue in my body. Mostly around my joints. Lupus is a more commonly known version of this disease. If you had Lupus your immune system would go after organs and tissue around them. So in a way I am lucky. Inflammatory issues involving my joints is a lot less dangerous than inflamed organs. However it still really sucks. My feet hurt, and so do my knees, hips, lower back, shoulders, elbows and most annoyingly my hands!
I take a ton of meds but I still have a lot of pain. So what is the point of this post? Well, I am glad you asked. Yesterday I had my first treatment of something new. Laser therapy on my hands. Technically called Low-Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is not new but it is still a somewhat controversial treatment for various types of arthritis. But is is a noninvasive alternative treatment with no known side effects, so no harm is done. ( unless you count the cost of the treatments ) My Dad tried it out when he was suffering from Sciatica and it made a big difference. He went from hobbling about with two canes to being more or less normal within a week or so after only a handful of LLLT sessions. Anyway, to make a long story short, I had an LLLT treatment on both my hands yesterday and I am scheduled for another tomorrow. Hopefully, these treatments will help. After all, what is an artist without his hands!
Even my parent's dog, Sophie, an 11-year-old Schnoodle ( part giant Schnauzer and part Giant Poodle) was treated by her veterinarian with Low-level laser therapy.
So what else is new? Oh...Ya.. I finally moved all my computer gear into my living room, only to
I still can't sit at a desk in an office chair. So now I am in the slow prosses of moving it all back into my bedroom. Lots of fun.....NOT!
Okay bye for now.